Whole sugarcane was chopped and enriched as described
for experiment 1. Also, stem sugarcane (1-day after burning
and without leaves and tops) were processed and treated
similarly. Twenty micro-silos were elaborate with the same
procedure described for experiment 1. From these 20 silos,
five corresponded to whole sugarcane enriched (WSCECaPr),
five to whole sugarcane enriched plus calcium
propionate (WSCE+CaPr), five to stem sugarcane enriched
(SSCE-CaPr), and five silos to stem sugarcane enriched
plus CaPr (SSC+CaPr). Calcium propionate (Propical,
DRESEN Lab.) was added at 2 g/kg sugarcane (as feed).
Silos were opened at a 30-day fermentation.