In general, Malaysian schools teachers are competent in Basic ICT skills, Internet application for accessing and
sharing information and Internet application for communication purposes. However, they still lack some
competencies in Advanced ICT skills including the graphics, animation and multimedia production. Thus, the
teachers should be exposed to the trainings related to these skills. Also, the findings of no correlations indicating that
the teachers have similar perceptions regarding the impacts of ICT use on teaching and student learning regardless of
their years of teaching and computer experience. In addition, female teachers need to use ICT more frequently, and
the parties concerned should equip our classrooms with ICT facilities to ensure more usage of ICT in classes among
this group of teachers. Finally, the junior teachers use ICT significantly more frequent than their senior colleagues for
teaching and learning, searching educational resources, and creating presentation/delivery materials. Thus, senior
teachers should be encouraged to use ICT in their teaching and learning activities more frequent so that they will not
be left behind in terms of ICT skills.