Q: When will new inventions in medicine be released?
A: Sheldan Nidle: A global jubilee is to release a great energy, which is to bring you new inventions in medicine, science and travel. These devices are to permit your various societies to conquer disease, re-invent your sciences and travel easily to the most distant parts of your world! (Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation, Mar. 3, 2015.)
The higher vibrations will alleviate many medical problems and, with the coming of the Cities of Light, so will healing chambers and other advanced technologies be able to handle them. (SaLuSa, June 25, 2012.)
SaLuSa: But for concealment, you could for example have had a cure for the scourge of Man that is cancer. Many medical advancements have been kept back, so as not to hit the profit levels of the drug companies.