Dear Khun Chanya
I hope you are well.
My colleague Khun Jeab gave me your card and asked me to get in touch with you. I believe you came to our summer fair on Saturday, thank you very much for supporting us.
As perhaps Jeab explained, we are raising money for playground equipment and also to open a coffee shop. For the playground we would like to buy a big climbing frame for the students to play on with swings and a slide. I have attached a photo as an example. Also we are always trying to raise funds for bikes, footballs, badminton rackets and anything for our students to play with such as a water play and sand play area.
For the coffee shop, we are trying to find a sponsor to help us with this. We want to set up a coffee that is a special needs friendly environment where our students can work. We have students who should be experiencing work and others that are ready to integrate into a work environment. Unfortunately it is very challenging to find places for our students to learn skills for work so we feel it would be best to create something ourselves, which would run as a separate business to the school.
If you need further information about either project, please don’t hesitate to contact me or alternatively we can organise to meet if that is more convenient for you.
Thank you in advance.
Kind regards