In the UK, police performance management has tended to reflect the political and policy priorities with the governments of the time. Police measures have undergone substantive changes. In 1999, DETR first published performance indicators for police to be used under “Best Value” initiative (Lynn and Elliot, 2000). From 2005-2008, the Police Performance Assessment Framework (PPAF) was in use which was replaced by the Assessments of Policing and Community Safety (APACS). The coalition government’s controversial proposals to introduce elected Police and Crime Commissioners in 2012 will result in new governance structures within England and Wales. This in turn is likely to result in a new set of performance indicators that will further increase the scrutiny of police performance. Such increasing levels of performance scrutiny are being highlighted in the context of a reducing budget for policing services, with fears of police job losses being muted at all levels within the UK police service. Certainly at the local level and increasingly, nationally, the police associations are organising campaigns, such as: ’Protecting the Frontline’, as a response to a perceived threat to job security of frontline officers. This in itself is fast becoming a major political theme in policing in the UK in face of the global recession impacting on public sector (police) budgeting (Neyroud, 2010).