North Liu Meng'er and Dongfang Xinyue others said that the face was redder, but a Chen Xiang matter does not have, instead also indignant.
„, Your these dragons, are not the natural dispositions **? Some of your also qualifications said us!” A Chen Xiang face refuses to accept, shouts greatly.
Because the dragon likes acting unreasonably in all directions, therefore has dragon blood Demon Beast(s), but Long Xueyi this small bad dragon, has given the Chen Xiang very bad impression.
„Don't compares with me and these aristocrat dragons, our status base and low dragons are very clean.” That dragon also very much refuses to accept: „But I am little evolve from snake, although now melted the dragon completely, but I and these aristocrat dragons are different.”
Long Xueyi very much angry, their hall majestic Dragon Clan, is actually despised by this inferior dragon now.
The world of dragon is the same with the world of person, has the heterogeneous division, and despises mutually.
„Small rascal , scolded him, irritated this girl!” Long Xueyi grasps in the Hidden Jade jade palace is roaring crazily: „It is not the luck good, can turn into the blue dragon? Has anything to be quite rampant, when this girl has grown up, a claw can pat him!”
Chen Xiang has hit, the ring on revolving Heaven's Crown Gate, opened door of the space: „Lao Long, I called Chen Xiang, later I will ask often you to play.”
Chen Xiang was saying, drew two females to walk into the gate of space, when they disappeared, the Chen Xiang ear broadcast the voice of that dragon: „I called Lan Cang, next time will come not to lead the woman.”
After leaving antique sacred place, they appear in that piece fully are in the forests of giant trees, but here imaginary unexpectedly also again, in other words Dongfang family these people also here.
„A bit faster leaves this damned place, it seems like here unusual brightness brings in the human breaknecks.” Chen Xiang revolves once more that Heaven's Crown Gate, when the gate of space just opened, the strange transparent air wave raids together suddenly.
The gate of space vanished, but all around is full of various tyrannical space forces!