First week of my job training. There will have a senoir who took care of me, there duties is to take care of me and train me. I have 2 duties 1st is arrange the documents and 2nd is to fill the information in the documents into computer. My job may not match for my department but its can apply together because foreign language are everywhere in real life. I worked in the bank that have both thailander and foreigners, and some information for making a card is for foreigner. In the 1st week of my job training I got a fever so I ask for a sick leave for 1 day. The wokers here have both male and female, most of them are very kind and playful so I didn't get much seriously. The boss always took care of me and she is the one who took me for train here her name's Tuk. She worked so hard more than mine. P'Tuk were always fill the information from the documents into computer, and sometimes there will already have some information in the computer. Sometimes P'Tuk was not at the office she must go to the head quarter for 8-11 hours but someday she have to went there all the day. P'Tuk is 1 of the most kindness person, she didn't scold me. My work time start at 9.00 a.m. till 6.00 p.m. And someday If I got a lot of work I'll have to finish my work first before I can went home so I'll leave late than 6 p.m. But if I have to fill the information into the documents I'll have to start at 9 a.m. the same, if finish the work early I can went home early too. But most of the work were very fast to finish but I'll wait untill 6 p.m. to went home. Worked here didn't got much salary, fill the information for 1 paper you'll get 4.50 Baht but If you arrange the documents you didn't get paid. I didn't came to train here alone I came with my friend so sometime I have to swap with her, someday I fill the information and someday I arrange the documents