Your break up sounds EXACTLY like mine. After we broke up my ex immediately went out with somebody else (who actually abuses her).I'm just saying that know how you feel.It feels like a slap in the face. And you're probably feeling and thinking: "How can he move on so easily and quickly when I'm not... I thought what we had was special".The truth is he's probably been thinking about ending the relationship for a long time... and it shows.What kind of MAN breaks up with a woman VIA e-mail?You can do better than that... trust me.I also had INTENSE dreams about my ex which were too painful to bare. Those stop after a while.My advice: Keep yourself busy.I know it sounds cliche but it's the only thing you can do until time heals you. BUT make sure that your "busy activities" are wholesome and improve upon yourself. Go out and buy some clothes, go to the gym, read a book do ANYTHING that makes you feel better about yourself.