Bowditch, Buono, and Stewart (2008) argue that there are six bases to power. The six bases
of power are position, referent, expert, information, reward, and coercive. Network marketers
can tap into most of the power bases. Although there is no formal power or authority with the
rank position power there is informal position power. Network marketers at the higher ranks
received high levels of respect and other network marketers listen and follower their
guidance. One could argue that many of the high achieving network marketers at the higher
ranks have personal magnetism and charisma. Personal magnetism and charisma are
foundational elements of referent power.
Bowditch, Buono, and Stewart (2008) argue that there are six bases to power. The six basesof power are position, referent, expert, information, reward, and coercive. Network marketerscan tap into most of the power bases. Although there is no formal power or authority with therank position power there is informal position power. Network marketers at the higher ranksreceived high levels of respect and other network marketers listen and follower theirguidance. One could argue that many of the high achieving network marketers at the higherranks have personal magnetism and charisma. Personal magnetism and charisma arefoundational elements of referent power.
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