The recommended inclusion level of
PKC in sheep rations is 30%.
Long-term feeding of PKC at high
inclusion level (>80%) can cause
Cu toxicity in sheep as sheep is
known to be very susceptible to Cu
poisoning. Some sheep breeds
(especially crossbreds) accumulate
Cu in their liver causing liver
damage. Addition of 100 ppm of
zinc sulphate or 5.2 mg kg-1
ammonium molybdate together
with 440 mg kg-1 sodium sulphate
in the rations can overcome the
problem (Hair-Bejo, 1995). Cu
toxicity does not appear in cattle,
buffaloes, goats and other animals.
An example of feed formulation for
goat is PKC: 50%, grass/hay: 30%,
rice bran: 10%, soyabean meal: 9%
Palm Oil Developments 40
PKC UTILIZATION IN SHEEP ANDGOATSThe recommended inclusion level ofPKC in sheep rations is 30%.Long-term feeding of PKC at highinclusion level (>80%) can causeCu toxicity in sheep as sheep isknown to be very susceptible to Cupoisoning. Some sheep breeds(especially crossbreds) accumulateCu in their liver causing liverdamage. Addition of 100 ppm ofzinc sulphate or 5.2 mg kg-1ammonium molybdate togetherwith 440 mg kg-1 sodium sulphatein the rations can overcome theproblem (Hair-Bejo, 1995). Cutoxicity does not appear in cattle,buffaloes, goats and other animals.An example of feed formulation forgoat is PKC: 50%, grass/hay: 30%,rice bran: 10%, soyabean meal: 9%Palm Oil Developments 40
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