Dear Mr Nunthaphon,
Received your email with thanks.
Kindly refer below reply in Blue:
1. I send you our FORM E in full detail hope you got it and can prepare then please send me the draft again to prevent mistake in our custom draft. >> Received with thanks. I have sent you an email this morning regarding the form E, you maybe check again and confirm by return.
2. Do you have a stock or not. If you don't have stock. We want to make order model items the below (How long to produce a bicycle?)
Please quote us the best price for shipment again 20' CTN.
2.1 AB70016-CR13 50 sets
2.2 AB2621-BPZ13 50 sets
2.3 AB2607-RTO15 30 sets
>> Sure, I will check with my China officer, and update you for the pricing and availability.
3. Do you open booth show in SHENZHEN BICYCLE SHOW 13-15 NOW 2015? Mr. Suraporn plan to go may be we can discuss for you new model and our business in future.
>> We are not going to Shenzhen Bicycle Show. This show is more for the wholesale company. However, Mr. Alan would like to meet Mr Suraporn at November, but he only available on 14th onwards, he has important meeting in Singapore at 13th November. Should we make another arrangement? Or which way you prefer for the meeting?
4. Do you know "Bike for Dad" on 11 December 2015 it's the biggest bike more than 100,000 sets in BKK and every province all THAILAND. Start at 15.00PM on 11 December 2015 if you have free time I invited your Boss and you to join this Big Event.
>> Thank you for inviting us, we are very interested in this eventJ will you have one booth for this bike event? Mr Alan wants to participant in this show, and we can provide some customize carbon bicycle and prepare some new bike for the booth. How do you think ?
Thanks & Regards,
Jia Yu
Aleoca Pro Singapore Pte Ltd