Dear Ajjina san.
I have visited to Autech Japan, Chigasaki Factory at yesterday and attend meeting with L02B Miner Change project, and submitted sample of 4 color painted plate with data of new color paint to QC team member.
Autech Japan requested us flowing matters;
1. The physical properties of the coating film of N0.8 according to a list that Autech has been prepared, please carry out all of the test, but test item from No.1 up to No.7 does not need to be tested.
Please prepare a schedule of dates required for this test.
2. When, Is it possible to supply a sample of the painted RR bumper and Side Sill a new color to Autech Japan or NMT.
3. Autech Japan, Mr. Yukihiro ICHIKAWA-Quality Management Department, Manager requested us to contact as follow person about color matching of new 4 color on L02B, because Autech Japan need our assist for new color approval from NMT. Please ask to Nut san and Kijja san contact him for our purpose.