A turbulent time
This will be a turbulent time. You want to - or feel that you need to -make some urgent changes. You feel restricted and want to break out. You're not [..]
Not at all obvious
During this time authority figures and close relationships, especially old ones from the past, are most likely the objects of your revolt, if you feel it necessary to rebel. You will be much more easily angered than usual, because you quickly interpret everything as a threat to your ego. Above all else, you feel that you must assert your ego in your own highly individual way. And if you have been unconscious of the need for creative change in your life, you are likely to be quite explosive. Sometimes, however, the "explosions" happen to you, which is a sign from your environment that you need to break away from something, although what that is may not be at all obvious. An accident can be the sign of frustrated ego energies transmuted into destructive powers.