My Dearest Mickey,
I have been thinking about you so much today. I have been looking at your picture a great deal. I like these most recent pictures very much.
Mickey, I want to share something with you that I have never shared with anyone. And it feels strange telling even you. But it is actually a compliment to you. Like everyone, we all have our likes and dislikes when it comes to people that we are attracted to. We don't always end up with a person that has these traits. But with you, I have found a woman that has these physical traits perfectly to me. When you sent me your revealing photos, they revealed the most desirable breasts I have ever seen. They were as perfect as I had ever hoped for. I just wanted you to know that. You are most beautiful!
My love, I look forward to introducing you to all the things of this country. I know Minnie's desires.....Disney World. Is there something here that you have always wanted to see?
Do you like cartoons? Do you have any favorites?
Mickey, I can't wait to be able to sit with you, talk with you, walk with you, and make love to you.
My love, I know that you have been hurt by my message the other day and I am sorry. I want us to put that behind us completely. I should have told you this yesterday, I do trust and believe you. So do not be troubled. I am comfortable with you in a way that I have not felt in a very long time. You are the only one that I feel comfortable enough to share anything and everything with. I value this greatly. It is a quality that I strongly desire.
Mickey, I see you as my wife. I truly see you in this manner. All my plans for the future include you. You are the woman of my dreams and desires. I love you completely.
I hope that you feel as I do. I want you to feel comfortable in talking to me about anything. I have valued your encouragement in getting me to share with you my feelings, desires, passions, and the stimulation that you bring.
My dearest, your lips are most inviting. I want to taste them so very much. You excite me in so many ways. Your imagination will be greatly accepted. I look forward to all of the pleasures that you have ever dreamed of.
I go to bed with thoughts of you on my mind.
With all my love,