The International standard ISO 1496 Series 1 freight containers – Specification and testing attempts to ensure that containers can withstand this by subjecting container to a floor test (generally test number 8). Many container owners use the test set out in Part 1 of the standard (General cargo containers for general purposes) as one of their regular production tests to ensure continuity of quality. However, it is necessary to look closely at the requirements of the test procedure. The original Part 1 test standard required that the test vehicle had an axle load of 5,460 kg, but this was changed to reflect the industry standard requirement for additional strength, known as ‘ISO and a third’. Accommodating this, manufacturers would have a test vehicle with a load of 5,460 kg and, when required, add supplementary test mass of 1,800 kg to bring the axle load up to the industry standard value – 7,260kg. However, this change was only made in Part 1 of the standard and Parts 2, 4 and 5 still only require the lesser axle load, as do many CEN standards for swap body floors