Why am I alive? I should be dead!!! Margot should be alive! I'm coming with you Margot! You don't have to be alone. (She takes a pen out of her pocket and aims it toward her neck) Here I come Margot. I'm going to kill myself with this pen. (She stabs her neck with the pen but nothing happens) Don't panic everyone! I'm still alive. Margot I know you're faking! This is not funny anymore. If you don't hurry and tell these people that this is a joke they are going to barry you and you know how much we hate getting dirty. Margot come on say something!!! I see that smirk on your face. Wake Up! Why aren't you answering me??? What kind a friend pretends to be dead and lays in a casket and holds their breath that long? Margot!!!!! You can't be dead, I should be dead. How could you die? That's the dumbest thing you ever did. Why did you run toward the light you idiot!! Who dies for no reason at all??? Are you crazy?? Breathe you dummy! Open your freaking eyes!!! Ughhhh. How could you die?? (Kicks the casket) You didn't pay your rent money!!!