The proposed project learning center's film classic. Situated on of cinema celebration Thani, number 33 Sawan District wat sommanat area POM Prap enemies defeated, Bangkok 10100.Is also the center of collecting information, publishing and teaching things about Thai film classic apparel production process the film classic.
The scope of the degree thesis, this edition of the restaurant, library, reception. Cinema. The exhibition in the design study to find information about the history of the project. Basic information related to interior design and detail different aspects related to the use of light materials in interior design including study of the project in comparison with the features available within the closest to a project and have released the best of the area. The use of light in the material and the presentation of the concept applied in the design of the project.
The interior design project was presented under design aesthetic concepts. The design also allows the user to get an overview of the design space and imagination to the film of Thailand. The space design Interior Design Everything is based on the concept of the film, Thailand. The study compared the overall composition, which looks similar to this project. In order to know the type of operation. Space Allocation Using the concepts in the design of the project compared to other more clearly. Which can be applied to the design and development projects completely.