7.2 Validity of Instrument
The validity of the instrument was verified by using the Factorial Analysis to check the
connection between the sentences and the dimension it’s related to. Table 1 shows the results
of this analysis, where the saturation of all the items for each dimension were high, and >0.30
which is acceptable, this means that each item is related to the dimension it belongs to.
7.3 First Hypothesis
There is relationship between Accounting Information System and Planning in four and five
– star Jodhpur Hotels.
Table 3 shows that all the items have an arithmetic means less than 3.00 which mean that
they are not statistically significant, That is, these things do not exist. Item (1) which
measures how much The hotel depends on revenue cycle in planning for sales & cash
collections, received the lowest arithmetic average, This indicates that it is the most decline.
Item (6) which measures how much the Hotels System gets on the Information from current
payroll system in planning for future payroll system, received the greater arithmetic average,
this indicates that it is the least decline .