Nine short-term independent studies were carried out with two M-PEA units on several plant species
differing in their functional traits (woody evergreen, woody deciduous, herbaceous) and exposed to
different kind of abiotic stress (drought, salt, ozone, UV radiation). Aim of the study is to check the
consistency of plant responses, assessed through three sets of simultaneously measured signals: Prompt
Fluorescence (PF), Delayed Fluorescence (DF) and Modulated Reflectance of 820 nm light (MR). The
decrease of FV/FM and F0, the increase of VJ and VI were the most common responses related to PF parameters.
The decrease of vox and vred as well the increase of MRmin were common response of MR. DF
showed species-treatment specific behaviours. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) suggests that the
combination of PF and MR parameters represents a powerful tool for plant stress phenotyping, whereas
MR parameters are linked to physiological strategies, related to different functional groups, to cope with
stress factors.
Nine short-term independent studies were carried out with two M-PEA units on several plant speciesdiffering in their functional traits (woody evergreen, woody deciduous, herbaceous) and exposed todifferent kind of abiotic stress (drought, salt, ozone, UV radiation). Aim of the study is to check theconsistency of plant responses, assessed through three sets of simultaneously measured signals: PromptFluorescence (PF), Delayed Fluorescence (DF) and Modulated Reflectance of 820 nm light (MR). Thedecrease of FV/FM and F0, the increase of VJ and VI were the most common responses related to PF parameters.The decrease of vox and vred as well the increase of MRmin were common response of MR. DFshowed species-treatment specific behaviours. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) suggests that thecombination of PF and MR parameters represents a powerful tool for plant stress phenotyping, whereasMR parameters are linked to physiological strategies, related to different functional groups, to cope withstress factors.
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