CLIVE: Right, we've jusi got one week until the nieeting with the people from Genus They've got the programme for the day and the agenda for the ineeting
GEMMA: Fine. They'll also need our latest produit brochures and new trade price lists Can you send those out nom?
CLIVE: Mmin maybe we should send the brochures but give them the price list at
GEMMA: Yes, you're right. Do you want me to send the brochures? Then perhaps you could organize the price lists.
cuvE: Sure, no problem. Now, according to the agenda, we're starting with a mini- presentation of the company Could yuu
GEMMA: oh, well, m not very good with Powerpoint. d rather not, if poss Could you do it?
CLIVE: OK if you welcome thern and introduce
GEMMA: Thanks, Are you site that
cilvE: Yeah thats fini