n addition to the materials in the last chapter, you’ll need some
equipment to do the processes in this book. While some processes
may require advanced printers, most can be done on a desktop
printer or with other inexpensive options like all-in-one scanner
As we go through this chapter, you’ll need to be familiar with creating
or installing printer profiles on your particular system (see Chapter 2,
“Profiles and Setup”). You’ll also need the imaging software of your
choice (I recommend Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop CS5), and you’ll
need to understand how to create and print images in it. I’ll give you
some specific tips for these processes in this chapter and throughout the
book, but if you need more information, I’d recommend the many help-
ful guides to using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
published by Peachpit Press (www.peachpit.com). I especially like Scott
Kelby’s books, which are both entertaining and full of practical, hands-
on tips.
For a regularly updated product information list, check the book’s
website: www.digitalalchemybook.com.