Why did you choose to dedicates your life to the ocean?
I believe that great advance in human knowledge will come not I believe that the next from new discoveries, but rather from learning how we relate to our natural world. Humans are an essential part of nature, yet humans do not have a very strong relationship with the world around them. I have dedicated myself to helping people to understand our place on this planet through the foods that we eat.
Why do you believe people should care about the health of the oceans?
The health of the oceans is directly linked to the health of people. The ocean provides most of the air we breathe. It has a big effect on the weather that we rely on for crops and food production. It also provides a necessary and vital diet for billions of people on the planet. So I don't usually say that am trying to save the oceans. I prefer to say that I am trying to save the vital things that we rely on the ocean for.