Baseline characteristics of medically treated and revascularized
patients were comparable (Table 1).
The 167 patients who did not undergo revascularization
and were medically treated represent our study population.
Clinical characteristics of the study population, combined
and stratified according to the occurrence of a mismatch
pattern, are reported in Table 2. In 107 patients, no
mismatch pattern was present on PET imaging, whereas 60
patients showed at least one segment with a mismatch
pattern. Patients with a mismatch pattern did not differ in
age, gender, previous myocardial infarction and/or previous
revascularization procedures, and presence of LBBB on
ECG from patients without a mismatch pattern. The
prevalence of risk factors and co-morbidity was similar in
the two groups. On the basis of the inclusion criteria, all
patients had significant CAD on coronary angiography. In
particular, three-vessel disease was present in 79 (47%)
patients and was observed in 36 of 60 patients with a
RESULTSBaseline characteristics of medically treated and revascularizedpatients were comparable (Table 1).The 167 patients who did not undergo revascularizationand were medically treated represent our study population.Clinical characteristics of the study population, combinedand stratified according to the occurrence of a mismatchpattern, are reported in Table 2. In 107 patients, nomismatch pattern was present on PET imaging, whereas 60patients showed at least one segment with a mismatchpattern. Patients with a mismatch pattern did not differ inage, gender, previous myocardial infarction and/or previousrevascularization procedures, and presence of LBBB onECG from patients without a mismatch pattern. Theprevalence of risk factors and co-morbidity was similar inthe two groups. On the basis of the inclusion criteria, allpatients had significant CAD on coronary angiography. Inparticular, three-vessel disease was present in 79 (47%)patients and was observed in 36 of 60 patients with a
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