Lilly and I walked out of my boyfriend’s house, Eli, we were laughing. We loved to go into his room and throw everything around and mess up his desk and room. He hated when we would messed it up, but we did it anyway. Lilly was laughing skipping down the sidewalk.
“He is really going to be mad this time,” I said laughing following just a few feet away from her. “Oh he won’t be that mad, or he will just have to get over it,” She said giggling and stopping letting me catch up with her. I got by her side we were getting ready to cross the street. We had our hands to our sides and started walking into the road.
I heard something coming by I didn’t see anything. Then I heard a car slide down the street we couldn’t get across fast enough. “Bang!” I open my eyes one last time and I see the car speed down the road…. Lilly was on the ground next to me I couldn’t get to her and see if she was alright…. It was hard to see… eyes grew tired… I couldn’t get up…..I could barley move… I couldn’t keep my eyes open …..Then everything when black……