Because of the exponential growth in the world population and the improvement in living standards,
the amount of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), which is the residue from routine human routine activities
generated from residential areas and commercial sectors, is continuously increasing. The proliferation of
MSW worldwide causes environmental problems, particularly in developing countries or low-income
countries where the governmental budget is scant. Although landfilling is the main MSW disposal
method worldwide in developed and developing countries [1, 2], the utilization of sanitary landfill has
tended to decline in developed countries due to the scarcity of landfill sites and the public’s
environmental concerns. In contrast to developed countries, many rural areas in developing countries are
still using non-sanitary and uncontrolled landfill [1], in this case open dumping, as the MSW disposal
method, which leads to negative effects on the environment and human health.