The animals were allowed unrestricted access to clean drinking water.
Formulation of the ointment: Five batches of the ointment (A-E) were prepared and used in the study. Batches A-C
contained varying concentration of the extract (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 g per 10 g of the ointment base, respectively). Batch D
was formulated to contain gentamycin (1 % w/w) and batch E is a blank control ointment and was prepared with neither
the extract nor the standard drug. For each batch, 10 g of blank petroleum jelly B.P (obtained from the Formulation Unit,
Department of Pharmaceutics, University of Nigeria) was weighed into a beaker and then melted in a in a thermostatic
water bath. The required quantities of the extract or the standard antibiotics (gentamycin) was weighed, added to the
molten ointment base and then homogenized by trituration.