Sleep is a recurring state of unconsciousness that all humans need. A good night’s sleep is
needed for physical and mental well-being, while poor sleep negatively affects nearly every
aspect of a human being’s life. Humans normally go through five stages of sleep. Stage one is
light sleep; stage two is when eye movement stops and brain waves slow down; stage three is the
first stage of deep sleep; stage four is the second stage of deep sleep, when the brain emits slow
delta waves almost exclusively; Stage five is known as REM Sleep (Rapid Eye Movement),
when dreaming occurs and breathing becomes irregular. Each stage plays a different role in
preparing for the day ahead. While sleep deficiency may seem inconsequential, it has a wide
range of negative effects that go far beyond daytime drowsiness. Stress related to sleep
deprivation could be very problematic as it can negatively affect one's social interactions
(Schneider, 1977). Stress related to the lack of sleep could be very problematic.