4.5. County differences
Working with relatively small number of cases in each County,
no statistical significance was found between the two counties for
any of the scale scores and the mean scores are all within one standard
deviation.While the actual outcomes compared to initial plans
for two energy projects were drastically different, the two study
area counties are relatively socio-demographically homogeneous,
and this latter attribute may be reflected in similar environmental
attitudes, wind energy attitudes, expectations, satisfactions, and
attachment to place. Although the differences are not significant,
respondents from Hand County with the underdeveloped Titan
Wind Project had slightly higher expectations and less of those
expectations satisfied but had slightly more favorable attitudes
towards wind energy in general and the environment, and higher
place attachment scores. It is possible that with a larger pool of
respondents, these differences would be statistically significant.
However,this data shows that underdevelopment of a wind energy
project did not significantly impact the attitudes, expectations, and
satisfaction compared to a neighboring County with a “fully developed”
wind project
4.5. County differencesWorking with relatively small number of cases in each County,no statistical significance was found between the two counties forany of the scale scores and the mean scores are all within one standarddeviation.While the actual outcomes compared to initial plansfor two energy projects were drastically different, the two studyarea counties are relatively socio-demographically homogeneous,and this latter attribute may be reflected in similar environmentalattitudes, wind energy attitudes, expectations, satisfactions, andattachment to place. Although the differences are not significant,respondents from Hand County with the underdeveloped TitanWind Project had slightly higher expectations and less of thoseexpectations satisfied but had slightly more favorable attitudestowards wind energy in general and the environment, and higherplace attachment scores. It is possible that with a larger pool ofrespondents, these differences would be statistically significant.However,this data shows that underdevelopment of a wind energyproject did not significantly impact the attitudes, expectations, andsatisfaction compared to a neighboring County with a “fully developed”wind project
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