Wet weather across NSW and Queensland has delayed APLC locust surveillance. Current forecasts are based on autumn activity with an updated forecast due in September 2016. NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) and Local Land Services (LLS) continue to plan and prepare for any potential plague locust control program.
Australian Plague Locust: Localised activity is expected in the Far Southwest, Central West, North West and Riverina during spring and summer in similar circumstances to the 2014-15 season. Localised ground control programs are likely in these areas. There is likely to be some localised high densities populations with small bands expected in these parts of NSW. At this stage there is a low risk of widespread high density infestations in any region during spring 2016.
Recent rain across the eastern states will continue to provide favourable conditions that have the potential to allow locust numbers to build over the spring/summer of 2016-17.
If populations increase over this summer, autumn and spring 2017 may potentially see significant damaging populations.
Spur-throated Locust: The outlook in Queensland is for an overall increase in the young adult population during autumn to an equivalent or higher level than in 2015, and significantly higher than in other recent years.
Some swarm development, movement and migrations are possible during spring, with a moderate risk of some swarms impacting Queensland cropping areas. There is unlikely to be any significant impact to agriculture in NSW.
Migratory Locust: There is a low probability of gregarious populations developing in Queensland and a low probability of a widespread infestation developing during winter or spring 2016. These populations are unlikely to result in any issues for NSW.
Landholders are responsible for the control of locusts on their land. If locust populations reach agreed treatment criteria, LLS will supply ratepayers with insecticide to treat locusts.
NSW DPI and LLS will advise if any significant locust activity develops.
Further information on the current locust situation is accessible via the Australian Government Department of Agriculture.