My name is Naruporn Potipakornkul and Karn is my nickname. I’m 19 year old. There are 4 people in my family , my father mother brotherand me. I don’t have sister but just have only brother.
Every day in morning. Initially I was still in high school. When I wake up,he would face his brother first because we come from the same small bedroom. We are very close what I would tell you all the time. My brother is your first make friend in life. My brother was born on 6 April 1995. We are just two year a way. My brother call Golf. His brother is higher than I. I smile because you’re my brother. He make your laugh, I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it. I can see feel free to laugh about or share everything with my brother. He is your superhero Daring Magnificent amazing, He is your bestfriend for life a buddy through thick and thin builds forts skips rocks jumps in Puddles gets Dirty Defends Protects Supports always up for an adventure even in the dark.
In some time , My brother can be annoying , everything I do he wants to do it too. It’s hard to have a little brother Who wants to be like you. He follows me around the house and wants to play pretend, My brother is a real friend like consultants was all about whether. I will cry in anything, he always asked comforling, under stand me everything.