Harrison and colleagues conducted 3 separate studies to
evaluate the effects of a gentle touch intervention similar
to the one provided by Tribotti.27–29,32 The infants in these
studies were from 26 to 33 weeks of GA at birth, and the
touch was provided for 10-to 15-minute periods, once or
3 times a day, for 5 to 10 days. Findings from all 3 studies
indicated that there were decreased levels of motor activity
and behavioral distress during the touch, compared with
baseline and post-touch periods. In addition, there were no
clinically significant changes in oxygen saturation or heart
rate levels during the touch.
Harrison and colleagues conducted 3 separate studies toevaluate the effects of a gentle touch intervention similarto the one provided by Tribotti.27–29,32 The infants in thesestudies were from 26 to 33 weeks of GA at birth, and thetouch was provided for 10-to 15-minute periods, once or3 times a day, for 5 to 10 days. Findings from all 3 studiesindicated that there were decreased levels of motor activityand behavioral distress during the touch, compared withbaseline and post-touch periods. In addition, there were noclinically significant changes in oxygen saturation or heartrate levels during the touch.
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