1.Do you travel much by plane? How old were you the first time you few? Did you enjoy it?
2. Have you ever flown by helicopter, glider, hot-air balloon, etc?
3. How safe do you feel on a plane?
4. Which aspects of flying do you a) most enjoy and b) least enjoy?
5. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you during a fight?
6. Have you ever suffered delays at an airport or had a fight cancelled? What did you do?
7. Would you like to have a pilots license? Would you be interested in flying large planes, small planes, helicopters or something else? Why?
8.What were you dong when you found out that the World Trade Centre twin towers had been hit by hijacked planes on September 9, 2001?
9. How likely do you think it is that a similar terrorist incident involving a plane will happen again?
10. What changes do you think need to be made to air travel security measures in order to reduce the terrorist threat?
11.Would you feel safer with or without an armed guard on your flight when flying to a high-risk country?
12.What concems you more when you fly: safety(for example, plane maintenance, technological faults or human errors) or security(for example, hijackings or bombings)?
13.How would life be different if people stopped travelling by plane? What are the disadvantages and the advantages of altemative means of travel?
Activity 1
Read the following questions and discuss them with your partner.
1. If you could go on holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why? What would you do there?
2. If you could go on holiday with a famous person (living or dead) who would you go with? Why? What would you talk about?
3. Have you ever been on a safari? Would you like to go on one? Why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of safari holidays?
4. Do you prefer holidays where you travel round and stay in different places or do you prefer staying in one place? Explain your reasons to your partner.
5. How important is it for young people to visit other countries?
6. How important is it find out about the culture and customs of the country you’re going to on holiday?