Hello, how are you and how was your day?Today, i expected your call, but you didn't call... I also thought you will sms to me .. But you never did ... Hope your alright ....Actually i went to the bank today as i told you yesterday regarding the paymentBut unfortunately, there was a little problem that arose ... So i was not able to complete the transaction .Please my dear, i want to appeal to you for financial assistance to enable me to complete the transaction with the bank.Because the bank demand that i should open an international account with the bank.(dollars account) here with Maybank Malaysia before i can make withdrawal of my money .The amount needed to open the account is 7,000 usd, but am having with me just 5,000 usd after paying 10% contract commission of 150,000 usd...The total amount of the contract money is 1.5 million united state dollars.Please i need you to assist me with just 2,000 usd to complete the money with me to open the account and i will immediately refund back to you after i must have cash the money from the bank.Dear, i will be waiting to hear from you ... I know your busy this time...I will be waiting your call or sms tonight .