This research aims to identify mudlobster species in Tanjung Jabung Barat District,
Jambi. Based on the identification, all specimens caught was belong to the species of Thalassina
anomala (Herbst 1804). Morphological characteristics of T.anomala distinguishing from other types
Thalassina: 1). Rostrum triangular shape, rounded and serrated along its lateral border; 2).
Dorsomedian tubercless on carapace extending up to the dorsal part of the first abdominal somite;
3). Abdominal sternite 2-5 on pleopod to have a tubercless in the middle (median line), 4). Pereopod
I have 13-20 tubercless on the inner side of the propodal and along the lateral side of the propodus,
and 5). On males, petasma without proximal spine and rounded tip wide without setae. Thalassina
anomala occurred on the research site because the species is widely distributed than other
Thalassina species.