G-Dragon said, "Now our company's economic status is of course much better than it was back then. There are a lot of options we can choose from. Maybe we endured through everything for that long to do these things."
The members were asked about what they thought about their 'peak'. Taeyang and G-Dragon said, "To an extent, it's true we need to decide when our peak was, but we don't know if it already came or if a higher peak will come in the future. That's why we think it'll have meaning to decide on that. For example, if our peak is becoming like Michael Jackson, then we can't be satisfied with where we are now. We don't want to be like that. Rather than deciding on one [goal] and going towards that one goal, we haven't decided on a goal, and as we continuously going forward, we think we will reach it. If we look back now, we don't know when our peak was. We'll have to look back much later on in order to find that out.