History of chess playing God thon buri Thailand b.e. 2310 2325 –
In the reign of thon buri In a month the eldest son Ahmad 2318 wun San cookies. The Burmese army made 72 years of age to be insolent.
Volunteers bring 35000 people think skillful armies invaded land in Thailand by lifting the Gunners coming into camp is the city of Sukhothai.
Openning a proactive military textbooks and supplies accumulated hoard food herd immediately.
God, with Phraya Chakri Thon and for proactive strategies see rasi interview this time as well. But there are approximately 20000 troops. people need to plan proactively and with a military assault unit, avoid any big battle clash by using angular floor plans fall took 2.
Phraya Chakri and the King, that is, special rasi. The main area is the city of Phitsanulok, supplies and people as well as the herd treatment as intended town of Chiang Mai. Aladdin hopes are pinned, wun San cookies for as long as possible. The army section. God is moving back in thon buri, with strike force, and the forest fire units. Cutting supplies and aim attack Myanmar troops interrupt, destroy, both day and night. After the clashes arrived four months abroad, especially food supplies for Shepherd Phitsanulok city, there are also many women and children. But the piles of supplies from the capital army was broken. The planned phase 2 has begun by Phraya Chakri plot remember big battles. Classical Thai Orchestra strike up a fanfare as the enemy by removing the Fort with cannon shot camp make your way from morning until late evening. His interview with God, living chess had rasi is on a linear city walls. Vocally Zack wun cookies up, Ahmad showdown tattoo Board.