The concept of SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) was
first proposed by Gartner in 1996. A thought in nature, SOA
goes beyond all the technologies and architectures while also
containing them[1].As the most basic element of SOA,
service is the logical abstraction of different function units in
applications. Enterprises can abstract services from their
functions and publish the services, which are loosely coupled
and separate business from technology. Being loosely
coupled, coarse-grained, re-usable, and transparent to the
service client, SOA removes the integration barriers between
applications. SOA also resolves the problems such as
business logic duplication, tight coupling between systems
and databases, lack of system extensibility, and lack of
uniform data standards[2]. Because of this, SOA enables
business services to be integrated to form new services on
demand, thus helping maximize profits for enterprises.
Naturally, many enterprises have adopted SOA in different