11.6 Was an employee responsible for analyze of verification results designated?
11.7 Did verification included the accuracy of records?
11.8 Did verification included also asking questions of employees,
especially CCPs monitors?
11.9 Did verification included observation of operations at CCPs?
11.10 Did verification included calibration of monitoring devices?
Result of the assessment:
Final score:
Block 12 Step 12. Principle VII. Recordkeeping and documentation
12.1 Was there available a documentation of the HACCP system?
12.2 Was there available a documentation dealing implementation
steps of the HACCP system?
12.3 Was there way of documentation supervising established?
12.4 Was the way of archiving system documentation established?
12.5 Was a time archiving documents specified?
12.6 Was a way to make amendments in the control cards specified if the employee made a mistake?
12.7 Were all documents properly marked, and was it possible their unambiguous identification?
12.8 Was there method of exchanging outdated document to the current version established?
Result of the assessment:
Final score