Subject: Possible UIS Bangkok visit to NIETS to discuss on Learning Outcomes
Dear Sir,
As you may know UNESCO Institute for UNESCO (UIS) have mandate and expertise in
collecting, processing and disseminating internationally comparable data and statistics
around the globe. In this connection, we have been collecting data on education from
Thailand especially on education participation; student flow, teacher, institutions etc. and
Thai Ministry of Education have been very kind enough to provide data to us so that
Thailand’s education status at international level can be presented regularly through our
database and international publications.
In year 2011, UIS did a pilot survey for Observatory of Learning Outcomes (OLO) to test the
procedures and data collection tools and contents in which NIETS provided data/ information
needed for the questionnaire which we appreciate a lot. The OLO is basically designed to
collect, compile and disseminate student assessment data/information through creating a
global. The catalogue will include information mainly on types of assessment, purpose,
stakeholders, level of education where assessment is conducted, dissemination of the
results etc., methodologies and other technical aspects of the assessments and some basic
results of the assessment. Based on the pilot survey results, the tools and techniques have
been improved and the main survey around the world will take place from mid-2014.
Therefore, we would like to collect assessment/test data from Thailand for all the
assessments/major examinations undertaken in Thailand. As NIETS is one of the major
organizations which are responsible in conducting major tests and assessment at various
levels of education, we would like to discuss with you on how data on learning assessment in
Thailand should be collected. We would also like to discuss with you whether NIETS can be
focal organization for the data collection in Thailand for this initiative.
In this regards, If you could please inform us relevant time for you to have meeting, my
colleagues Mr. Roshan Bajracharya and Ms. Aurélie Acoca will visit to your office to discuss
about the initiative and modality of your participation in it.