The analytical results of physical and chemical parameters of groundwater were compared with the
standard guideline values as recommended by the world health organization for drinking and public health purposes. The Table 3 shows the most desirable limits and maximum allowable limits of various parameters. The concentrations of ions, such as Ca2+, Mg2+, SO42- with in the maximum allowable limits for drinking. However, Na+ and Cl- ions exceed the maximum allowable limits for drinking purposes. Pipers Diagram was prepared using software to analysis various concentaration of chemical parameter shown in Fig 3 The concentration of cation Na+ is good for drinking
purposes at many places. The total hardness values are found to exceed the maximum permissible limits at many places. Sodium ion concentration in the ground water varies from 7.82 to 448 mg/l with an average value of 124.41 mg/l . The calcium ion concentration varies from 20 mg/l to 320 mg/l with an average value of 109 mg/l. All the samples are with the permissible limits. Potassium concentration is comparatively low. Bicarbonate, the dominant anion in the study area,
varies between 30.5 mg/l and 750 mg/l (average 431mg/l).