The finding is supported by Malaysian Rubber Board which reported that the average
rate of NR biodegradation in high nutrient treatment only 36.9 mg/week and in the unamended
controls is 12.0 mg/week for the 15 x 9 cm
pieces[5]. The problems also related to small initiatives
taken by local government in low and middle income nation to actively involved in promoting the
3R concept among the citizen [6]. As the local government are more focus on sanitary landfill
option, the priority is to prepare a specific open area for waste disposal rather than educating the
citizen on the 3R concept. These scenario actually representing 102 from 145 countries in the world
which having population density more than 2 billion peoples [6]. Apart from education, the nature of latex/rubber products especially gloves are not meant for recycled or reused. The problems with
rubber/latex products is the formation of crosslinks for elasticity properties which contributed to the
complexity of the products to be recycled. For latex products especially medical gloves it is
impossible for the used gloves to be reused again.