Individual Salmonella serovars degraded 50.2%e55.9% of the sinigrin present in 21 d. k-Carrageenan/chitosan-based coatings containing 250 mg Oriental mustard extract/g or 50 ml AITC/g reduced the numbers of Salmonella on chicken breasts 2.3 log10 CFU/g at 21 d at 4 C. However, when either mustard extract or AITC was combined with 15 mg/g EDTA in k-carrageenan/chitosan-based coatings, Salmonella numbers were reduced 2.3 log10 CFU/g at 5 d and 3.0 log10 CFU/g at 21 d. Moreover,these treatments reduced numbers of lactic acid bacteria and aerobic bacteria by 2.5e3.3 log10 CFU/g at
21 d. k-Carrageenan/chitosan coatings containing either 50 ml AITC/g or 250 mg Oriental mustard extract/g plus 15 mg EDTA/g have the potential to reduce Salmonella on raw chicken.