Myanmar is a country of people with deep rooted custom and religion. If you are a visitor travelling to the country of pagodas and legends, there are a number of things you need to observe. Respecting the culture, customs,traditions and etiquette of Myanmar will gain respect and friendship from Myanmar people. The followings are some of the general rules that you should always keep in mind in front of Myanmar people.
What they Do in Myanmar
Say "Mingalabar" for hello when meeting Myanmar people.
Put "U" in front of the name when talking to an elderly male or a man in a senior position. Put "Daw" in front of the name when addressing an elderly female or a woman in senior position. Wear decent clothes when visiting the the pagodas or monasteries. Remove your shoes including socks before entering a pagoda, temple and monastery. Take off your shoes before entering a private house.
Show respect to monks, novices and nuns. Bend a bit when crossing close in front of the elders. Try to speak Myanmar language. Try to speak slowly and clearly.
Behave in a proper manner.
What they Do not in Myanmar
Touch any adult on the head. Touch a part of a lady's body. You might end up in a police station. Point a finger straight in the face. Point your feet to point to a thing or place. Sit down higher than a monk or than a statue of Buddha.
Put Buddha statues or images on the floor or somewhere in appropriate.
Show affection in public.