If you have ever wanted to preserve that delicious taste of early summer, try freezing strawberries. [1] Pack into plastic containers[2] Frozen strawberries are not only a healthy and delicious snack, they're easy to prepare and store.[1] Start with the freshest strawberries you can get. Look for plump, full berries with a good color[2] If you will be storing the frozen berries for a long time, make sure to remove as much air as possible[1] Wash and sort the strawberries. Wash the strawberries in a bowl of plain cold water.Then you need to pick out and remove any bits of stems, leaves and soft or mushy strawberries. It is easiest to do this [2] This will help to prevent freezer burn and keep the berries freshYou may wish to cut the strawberries into smaller, bite-sized pieces. This can be done before freezing [1] You can cut the berries up, or leave them whole, as you like. Put them a freezer bagPack a freezer bag with the strawberries, and exclude as much as air as you can when you seal the with their vacuum sealing[2]