The UVGI system (Lumalier, Memphis, TN) consisted of five luminaries, four mounted
in each of the corners of the room and one hung from the center of the ceiling (Figure 1). The
manufacturer rated the lamps within the luminaries at 18 W. The center luminary was rated at
total of 72 W, consisting of four lamps. The corner lamps were rated at a 36 W each containing
two lamps installed with parabolic aluminum reflectors on the back of the luminaries. Each
luminary was equipped with concentric black louvers of 1.9 cm spacing. The luminaries were
installed so that the lower edge was located 2.2 m above the floor and the top was 3 cm bellow
the ceiling. This placement created a 30 cm wide band of UVGI in the upper level of the room,
with lower edge at approximately 2.1 m above the floor. The UVGI system was operated for
more than 100 h before experiments were conducted.
During testing, the room supply and exhaust airflow were balanced to achieve an exhaust
flow greater than the supply such that a negative pressure of 12 Pa was achieved within the room
relative to the surrounding laboratory. The negative pressure was continuously monitored and
maintained using pressure gauges and ventilation system feedback control loops.
The UVGI system (Lumalier, Memphis, TN) consisted of five luminaries, four mountedin each of the corners of the room and one hung from the center of the ceiling (Figure 1). Themanufacturer rated the lamps within the luminaries at 18 W. The center luminary was rated attotal of 72 W, consisting of four lamps. The corner lamps were rated at a 36 W each containingtwo lamps installed with parabolic aluminum reflectors on the back of the luminaries. Eachluminary was equipped with concentric black louvers of 1.9 cm spacing. The luminaries wereinstalled so that the lower edge was located 2.2 m above the floor and the top was 3 cm bellowthe ceiling. This placement created a 30 cm wide band of UVGI in the upper level of the room,with lower edge at approximately 2.1 m above the floor. The UVGI system was operated formore than 100 h before experiments were conducted.During testing, the room supply and exhaust airflow were balanced to achieve an exhaustflow greater than the supply such that a negative pressure of 12 Pa was achieved within the roomrelative to the surrounding laboratory. The negative pressure was continuously monitored andmaintained using pressure gauges and ventilation system feedback control loops.
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