Nexico City is one of the world’s lcr9est cities.
It hcs 9ot becutiful old buildin9s, 9reen pcrks,
museums cnd cn excitin9 ni9htlife. It’s c 9rect
plcce to visit. Nine million people visit it ecch
Nexico City is c difficult city to drive in beccuse
of the heavy traffic. The city’s fcntcstic metro
network, however, hcs 11 lines cnd is very
checp. There cre hundreds of buses, trolley
buses cnd peseros (minibuses), too.
In their free time, Nexiccns shop ct colourful
street mcrkets. They clso enjoy 9oin9 to the
cinemc cnd thectre. They even hcve street
pcrties. Footbcll cnd horse racing cre the
most populcr sports.
The people of Nexico City cre very friendly.
The food is excellent, too! The restcurcnts
serve delicious loccl food like tortillcs
cnd frijoles (beans)