So this was a really FUN video to make. In an attempt to make this video engaging for the intended audience (9th graders) we thought we'd set up the idea of remote sensing with a little Bond action. Plus, we thought it was a great excuse to a) go skydiving and b) go to Panama. It's win win really.
But, the true stars of this video were Roland Kays and his Panamanian ARTS team! Oddly, just after shooting the whole system got taken down. It's kinda difficult to maintain in the jungle. But, now they do all sorts of animal tracking with other equipment.
A special thanks to Monica Pinzon Beck here for helping us shoot this video. Without you, we'd have been up a creek in downtown Panama City. Also, I have to give a big shoutout to our crew, Jonas Stenstrom, Suzanne York, Rob Nelson, Hazen Audel and Ed Watkins. You guys made this awesome!
This video was actually made a couple years back as part of Pearson Publishing's High school Biology textbook series, something we called "BioAdventures." I'm really happy that we're able to release it to you all now. If you want to learn more about it go to