4.1.2 Results: values structure
The VFT structure created for Simulated CDC was a simple hierarchy, with all
higher-level objectives linked to lower-level means objectives and decisions, and no
relationships defined between objectives at the same level. This structure is shown
in Fig. 3.
Three fundamental objectives all influence the core objective of maximizing the
quality of the neighborhood: maximizing resident outcomes, maximizing neighborhood
character, and maximizing quality of the housing market. A set of lesser/endsobjectives all contribute to these fundamental objectives, which in turn are affected by
two means objectives: maximize residential stability and maximize quality of the
housing stock. To achieve these, we separately and subsequently identified several
actionable decisions that the CDC could make with respect to the housing market,
including acquisition and redevelopment of vacant units, market rate rental units,
affordable rental units, homeownership opportunities, and other commercial/amenity
Following the development of the objectives hierarchy, we developed a scoring
model by assessing trade-off weights for the objectives at each level, and compared
a range of alternatives. The details of this part of our engagement may be of interest
to CBOR practitioners but do not relate to our core research questions. Therefore,
this is described in section 1 of the electronic supplement.