The referred EIA carried out in 1987, was prepared by the port
authority as a requirement of the licensing process for the expansion
of the Port of S~ao Sebasti~ao. It was one of the first EIAs performed
in Brazil after the decree of a federal resolution in 1986,
which established the obligation of assessing environmental impacts
for buildings and enterprises with high potential for environmental
impact. According to this EIA, the creation of landfill
areas in the Bay for the expansion of the port (Fig. 4) would not
affect the abiotic environment (hydrodynamic and sedimentary
process) and it would cause minimal negative impacts on the local
biota, only affecting benthic invertebrates living in the area where
the grounding would happen (DH, 1987). Furthermore, the socioeconomic
characteristics would only be affected positively, once
new jobs would be demanded by the project (DH, 1987).