What are you doing here...?" you asked, completely stunned. What was The Teacher doing in your room?! His bemused expression dulled.
"Hmmm... perhaps you were taken too well care of." He said, shutting the door sharply before slowly stepping forward. "It's been barely a day, and you've already forgotten your manners?" he shook his head and wagged his finger back and forth. He was such a condescending prick. You stepped backwards, hoping you could sneak back into the bathroom and lock yourself in, however The Teacher seemed to read your mind and he quickly made his way around you to slam the bathroom door shut. That was your chance. You ran towards the entrance to the room and tried to open the door, but no matter how you hard you shook the door and turned the handle, it refused to open. Loki's words sang in the back of your mind. 'You will use J.A.R.V.I.S. to communicate with anyone outside of the room, which will be locked from the outside. Only the attendants and I will have a key.' Your eyes widened as you looked over your shoulder. The Teacher was standing, waving a key in the air with a sadistic grin over his face. You felt physically sick. He must have been one of the attendants. Loki had left you in the care of the only other man you really knew in the entire tower. He left you in the care of a mad man.
Your knees began to shake as he made his way over to you.
"What's wrong (Name)?" he sang when he reached you. "Looking for something?" he trailed the cool metal of the key over the skin of your chest.
"If you touch me, Loki will never forgive you." You used the only threat you had. If you screamed, you were sure no one would come to your aid, and, even if you could run, you had nowhere to run too... The Teacher chuckled at your feeble threat as he placed the key in his pocket.
"He won't need to forgive, he'll never know." you were shaking like a leaf, and you hated it. You wanted to be strong, you wanted to be able stand up and dominate The Teacher's looming presence... but you just couldn't; being forced to submit over the past few weeks had completely depleted what inner-strength you had left.
You took a step backwards when The Teacher came towards you, and another, and another. Before you knew it, your back was pressed tightly against the door, and The Teacher was leaning over you, his member obviously erect. You wanted to gag when he moved that last inch forward, and his plump stomach and hard, yet tiny, manhood pressed into you. The Teacher chuckled and breathed in your scent. "You smell of him..." he growled darkly. You tried to shrink back and disappear into the door, but of course it didn't work. "I'll fix that..." he finished quickly as he snatched your arms and pulled you along towards the bed.
You struggled against his firm hold, but nothing you did seemed to have any effect. All too soon you were forced down onto the bed and stripped of the little clothing you had. You tried to cover yourself with something, anything; your hands, the blankets, anything. However, every single attempt you made was in vain because The Teacher ripped it all away. He then pinned you against the bed and used all of his weight to hold you there. You could feel him opening his shirt and pants before he pulled the latter lower on his legs and finally slip his member out of his boxers. Your muscles tensed, and you prepared yourself for the worst...